Study Abroad: Greece:Design and Social Innovation pg1

For futuring public language is increasingly moderated in developed countries 250wrds

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250words the presentation of our exploratory work and further projection of anticipated work, other criteria in 2018 must also be amended that impact the public sphere. Public knowledge here is defined as primarily situational experiences, more properly to “be acquainted with” as a way of knowing (connaissance). It is knowledge of a particular time and place, while the more discipline-based knowledge (savoir) of the sociologist is not necessarily superior to situational or “acquainted” knowledge. What is required is dialogic interaction between the two ways of knowing. Useful dialogue between these different ways of knowing is a process of interpenetration “in media res.” This alone does not create a “critical turn” in a public sociology, but it perhaps recalibrates the focus on what is at hand materially in context. Public language and its mediation [“conditions of its existence and ext / internal contradictions”]. A third aspect of “knowledges” in 2018 is in how representation works through social media and interaction. Scale: local dialogue is interconnected to a larger representational system that erodes ideas of situated-ness. In the last decade, many new factors have changed concepts and processes of public dialogue in communities. The rise of social media and its integration and reconfiguration of representational systems has drastically changed assumptions about the constitution of local inquiry (i.e. genesis of a “plan” or design for social change), critical reflection, effort and dissemination (it’s “work” or existence) and its possibilities for futuring (its internal and external contradictions). Public language is increasingly moderated in developed countries 250wrds

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