Scott Townsend info and contact:

Scott Townsend is on faculty at NC State University. In 2002 he began working with site specific/online audiences in project spaces where broad globalization issues were having particular effects on communities, employing aspects of what would eventually be called “social media,” along with real-time visualization of data. Projects and exhibitions are often part of a greater program of local and regional engagement that also includes workshops, lectures, and other activities connected to the project space. He has exhibited or created projects in over 80 national and international group and solo exhibitions in the Czech Republic, Greece, Egypt, Cuba, Mexico, Canada, Germany, Japan, Iran, Italy, Serbia, Venezuela, Cuba, and the United States. His articles have appeared in Zed, Statements, Brujula, Art Papers, Visual Communication, Design and Culture, and Design Issues. He has also presented on this work in international venues as featured presenter alongside John Maeda, Suguru Ishizaki, and Krystof Lenk, and was a Mitchel Lecture presenter at the School of the Art Institute Chicago in 2014. Short CV here