All thirteen are thematically connected through the idea of how we have created a global culture that is based on images rather than actual physical communities.


In 'The Boardroom", a series of up to 13 separate interactive pieces are linked to the boardroom environment, much like chapters in a book. All thirteen are thematically connected through the idea of how we have created a global culture that is based on images rather than actual physical communities.


This installation is comprised of a large background landscape in which two looped videotapes play continuously. These monitors display landscapes in what appear s to be real-time, flanking a third central monitor which is fed by a micro-computer. The computer runs an interactive piece (an interactive CD-ROM) suggesting the metaphor of a meeting or the location of a board-room in which the viewer/user has the option of moving between four chairs in the virtual space of the room. Each position suggests a different view-point on a globe which sits on the conference table.


Further exploration moves into a series of text/image/video/and sound anecdotes, which finally terminate back in the original room.


The thirteen separate pieces that comprise "Boardroom" may be shown in different combinations. The thirteen pieces are based on three separate concepts: portrait, landscape and figure, and the actual boardroom, where the public persona adopted by the characters is disrupted by their private thoughts. As the viewer progresses through the piece, he or she moves in and out of different landscapes that suggest a "live-feed" relationship. The general narrative and idea of a dis-embodied room in multiple landscapes suggests dilemmas and questions regarding how one accepts the definitions of such "opposites" as entertainment /work, documentation/voyeurism, etc. through contemporary representations, and what may be at risk when these definitions come into play